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A wide selection of topics in

Regenerative Medicine AND Functional / Integrative Medicine & Wellness

  • Special Bundle Packages

    Series of related course bundled with discount pricing

  • New & Evolving Disciplines

    Boston BioLife is your source for Cutting Edge Curriculum

  • Hands-On Training

    Demonstrations with live models and cadaveric spine/joints

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Boston BioLife Academy - Online Training

Boston BioLife is dedicated to helping medical professionals achieve their goals through training programs in Regenerative Medicine.

  • Boston BioLife offers training and education forums covering the latest scientific findings and medical applications in regenerative medicine. These courses are taught by leading industry scientists, healthcare providers, and technology providers in a variety of techniques and medical fields.

  • Boston BioLife combines a foundation of training with didactic presentations complete with research, protocols and outcomes. Our courses combine interactive hands-on, small group discussions, and direct faculty interaction with the ultimate goal of providing an opportunity for the exchange of new scientific principles and their applications in regenerative medicine.

Individual Courses Staring at $47.50

Learn at your pace, in your own space